Write a text/message/an exercise/an email… about a city you like/a person/a book… including…
Copy/write the exercise in your notebook
Open your books at page…
Check your homework/your answers
Read the text/exercise/questions/summary…
Write questions about…
Write the answers
Repeat the phrases/text/dialogue
Repeat after me
Find the words/verbs/colours
Draw a map/city/clock…
Complete the sentences about … with the correct word/country/number… with your own opinion/ideas…
Practise the dialogue/conversation
Act out the dialogue/conversation
Match the words/names/countries/questions… with the photos/sentences/ pictures/answers…
Match the beginnings with the endings
Translate the words/sentences/text… into your language
Study the text/summary/table/rules/information…
Make these sentences negative/interrogative
Rewrite these sentences using the negative form
Write short answers
Add five more words/verbs/sports/cities… to the list
Choose the correct word/answer
Use the words in the box/the words in the chart/your own ideas/     a verb/a noun/the words in brackets… to complete the text/        the sentences
Put the words/phrases … in the correct order
Copy and complete the chart/sentences factfile/table/text
Correct the sentence/the false sentences/the mistakes…
Identify the different cities/kinds of music/sports
Label the pictures with the words
Give your opinion/true sentences… Use these words/pictures/ photos… to help you
Circle the correct word/verb/answer…
Cross out the wrong/incorrect answer/word/verb…
Underline the right/correct answer/word/verb…
The odd one out
Localize/identify the nouns/verbs…
Describe a town/house/person…
Look at the map/picture/book/board…
Compare your exercise/answers to Peter’s
Study unit 5/the summary…
Don’t write in your books
Listen to me/to your classmate/to Sergio
Pay attention to …
Have a look at exercise 5/page 11…
Watch out/Take note
Help your friend/your classmate/María
Ask anybody/your classmate/Alejandro
Introduce yourself/your friend…
Meet me at the hall/at the teacher’s room/at the classroom/… at eleven/at break time
Write your name/the date… on the sheet/on the blackboard
Don’t speak Spanish in English class
Whose is this notebook?    -It’s mineWhose notebook is this?   – It’s Peter’s
What’s the meaning of…? What does… mean?
Can I go to the toilet, please?
Can I open/close the door/window, please?
I don’t understand. Can you repeat, please?
Put your hand up if you have any question
Stand up/Have a seat
Sit down
Be quiet!/Stop talking/Silence, please
Stop it!
Stand in line
Go out!
Don’t be silly!
Be careful!
Hurry up!
Don’t do this
Don’t go there
Go on!/Come on!
Wait a minute/a moment
Can you give me your pencil?  -Here you are
Give me your notebook!
Can you clean the blackboard, please?
Open your books at page…
Go to page 27
Turn on/off the light
I don’t understand
That isn’t funny
I agree/I don’t agree with that/you.
I think so/I don’t think so
What do you think about…?
Well done!
Good idea!
Good job!
That sounds fun!
That sounds well!
Don’t be late
Don’t eat/drink in class
Remember to bring your books, notebooks, pen, trainers, tracksuit…
Work hard!
Do your homework every day
Do the project works
Study for your exams
Pay attention to your teachers
Revise the grammar/vocabulary…
Respect your classmates/teachers…

Dear students of Santísima Trinidad El Tiemblo, teacher Patricia Diez Pablos offers you this blog to solidify your learning. I hope you will use it and enjoy it very much. Cheer up!

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