1. Which of the following is true about Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries?: a) Some states consolidated themselves into stronger b) Economies took their first steps toward c) Food supplies stabilized and population increased more aggressive political units d) All of these answers are corect
2. European state building in the early modern period resembled state-building in China and Japan in all of the following ways except a) they had to find a balance between centralizing and decentralizing forces b) tented civil servants fostered modernization c) the personalities of the leaders played a significant d) there was an increase in the use of unified law codes
3. By the mid-eighteenth century, which of the following major states came to dominate European politics until at least World War a) Great Britain, France, Prussia, Russia b Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, Austria c) Russia, Spain, France, Austria d) France, Austria, Germany, Italy
4. The Puritans were: a) Calvinists who wanted to purify the Anglican Church b) Lutherans who wanted to purify the Reformed c) Protestants who wanted to purify the Catholic Church d) Quakers who wanted to purify the Protestant faith 
5. From 1649 to 1660, England was a military despotism, officially called a b) absolute monarchy c) Puritan republic led by a conservative coalition of d) Puritan republic led by Oliver Cromwell
6. Parliament readily supported the monarchy of Charles II because of their a) desire to return to an era of religious uncertainty b) regret over the execution of Charles I c) dissatisfaction with Cromwell’s Puritan republic d) belief in the divine right of kings
7. Politically, the Glorious Revolution replaced a) George II with George Ill b) James II with Mary l c) Charles II with Anne l d) James II with William and Mary
8. The Toleration Act for Catholics religious life a) provided religious toleration for Protestants, but not b) excluded most dissenting religions from English c) assured Puritan dominationn d) applied the principle of religious toleration to all religious groups, including Jews
9. After his invasion in 1688, William of Orange recognized a Bill of Rights that accomplished all of the following except a) limiting the powers of monarchy b) guaranteeing civil liberties to privileged Englishmen c) prohibiting Roman Catholics from occupying the English throne d) allowing for full religious toleration in England and its
10. The first Hanoverian monarch of England was a) James I b) George l c) Henry X d) Charles XI 
11. The Fronde was a a) series of widespread rebellions by French nobles b) government monopoly over salt c) rebel Flemish army that threatened the southerrn d) massacre of Huguenots the night before a wedding between 1649 and 1652 provinces of France
12 Which phrase best sums up the spirit of Louis XIV’s government? a) «traditional liberties» b) «I am the state» c) «the Sufferer d) «thorough»
13. The revocation of the Edict of Nantes by Louis XIv let to all of the following a) the emigration of a quarter million French b) baptism of Protestant children as Catholics c) the closing of Protestant schools d) the end of the French wars of religion
14. The French state turned an absolutist for all of the a) the chaos of the wars of religion leading people to b) Louis XIV’s experience of the Fronde causing him to c) the relative homogeneity of the population in terms of d) Bossuet’s philosophical and religion defense of the following reasons except: support a strong ruler fear the power of the nobility religion and language divine right of kings

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